

Men’s Sodality




Ladies’ Sodality




Home and School


Athletic Association

School Board


Knights of Columbus – Msgr. George J. Hildner – Council #8073


Helping Hands


Western Catholic Union Branch #268


Lay Ministries



The major fund raising functions of this organization are the Chicken Dinner in the spring (second Sunday in March) and the Sausage Dinner in the Fall (fourth Sunday in October). The monies raised by the men at these functions are used for parish improvements as well as to help with the ongoing parish operating expenses. All men of the parish are considered members. Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday, Sept-May.

The ladies plan functions for the parish and community. The ladies of the parish are given the opportunity to develop a sense of belonging. As with the men, all ladies of the parish are considered members. A lot of the ladies’ work is put into the Spring and Fall Quilt Bingos as well as running arts and crafts, cake and home cooking stands at the men’s dinners. All ladies are welcome to join the quilters every Tuesday from 9am-3pm. Sodality meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday, Sept-May.

The purpose of this organization is for communication between parents, faculty, principal and pastor. They also sponsor school fund-raisers, such as Market Day, a Golf Tournament and a Dinner Dance.

The association sponsors extra-curricular activities, such as volleyball and basketball, for our grade school students

The School Board consists of pastor, principal, and elected members who assist in the policy decision matters of the school.

This is a fraternal organization with many programs and activities for the benefit of the parish and community. Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month. They sponsor a breakfast on the 5th Sunday of the month, and fish frys on selected Fridays during lent. Profits benefit the parish school.

Helping Hands consists of parishioners who help people in need by supplying them with food and financial assistance to help them get on the right track again.

The branch encourages spiritual, fraternal and material benefits for its members, living and deceased. They also sponsor fund-raising events and donate the proceeds to St. John’s School and others.

These basically consist of the church choir, ushers, lectors and Eucharistic ministers. It is their purpose to assist in the celebration of Mass, as well as assisting parishioners and visitors at these times to make the celebration of the Mass more pleasant. The Eucharistic ministers may be called upon to deliver Communion to people not able to attend Mass.